VIM iced is the plugin for VIM for Clojure development.
There is also a cheet sheet on the bottom.
<Leader>' | Connect to repl started by Iced |
:IcedConnectSocketRepl 9000 | Connect to REPL started by shadow-cljs on port 9000 |
:IcedDisconnect | To disconnect from REPL |
== | reformat the form under cursor |
<Leader>ei | inner element |
<Leader>ee | outer list |
<Leader>ea | outer list on specified mark (type a key to specify mark) |
<Leader>et | outer top list |
<Leader>eq | Interrupt evaluation |
<Leader>eb | Require current namespace |
Note: prepend any of the above by x to yank result to buffer.
<Leader>tp | Run all tests in current project |
<Leader>tn | Run tests in current namespace |
<Leader>tt | Run a test under cursor, See also Related tests |
<Leader>tr | Re run failed tests |
<Leader>tl | Run the last test again |
<Leader>to | Open test result buffer |
:cwindow | Iced Error Window |
<Leader>ss | Toggle stdout buffer. |
<Leader>so | Open stdout buffer. |
<Leader>sl | Clear all lines in stdout buffer. |
<Leader>sq | Close stdout buffer window. |
<Leader>hb | Documents for specified symbol. |
<Leader>hq | Close document window. |
Code Navigation:
<Leader>hs | Shows the source code in a popup window. |
<Leader>hS | Opens a separate buffer(Document buffer) and shows the source code in it. |
C-[ | Go to defenition. |
C-t | Jump back cursor |