
SvgBob is like ditaa, but newer and has more capabilities.

Install Cargo and Rust

In terminal:

$ brew install rustup (1)
$ rustup-init (2)
1install rustup
2install cargo and rust compiler

Restart you terminal then verify Rust compiler, which is the rustc command in your terminal:

$ rustc --version  (1)
rustc 1.47.0 (18bf6b4f0 2020-10-07) (2)
1query compiler version
2if compiler has been properly installed, you should get something like this.

Install SvgBob

In terminal:

$ cargo install svgbob_cli (1)
$ svgbob --version (2)
svgbob 0.4.2 (3)
$ sudo ln -s $(which svgbob) /usr/local/bin/svgbob (4)
1SvgBob installation command
2verify that the SvgBob was successfully installed
3SvgBob version
4Add the SvgBob to executable folder

Configure SvgBob in Hugo

Open you your configuration file, config.toml and add the noted lines

     endLevel = 4
     ordered = false
     startLevel = 2
    anchorLineNos = false
    codeFences = true
    guessSyntax = false
    hl_Lines = ""
    lineAnchors = ""
    lineNoStart = 1
    lineNos = false
    lineNumbersInTable = true
    noClasses = true
    style = "github"
    tabWidth = 4
    backend = "html5"
    extensions = ["asciidoctor-html5s", "asciidoctor-diagram"] (1)
    failureLevel = "fatal"
    noHeaderOrFooter = true
    preserveTOC = false
    safeMode = "unsafe"
    sectionNumbers = false
    trace = true
    verbose = true
    workingFolderCurrent = true
        my-base-url = "/static/"
        source-highlighter = "pygments"
        icons = "font"
1be sure to include the extensions

To test, add the follwoing lines to any asciidoc and rebuild the site:


                         +->| Solution 2 |
                        /   +------------+
   +-------------+     /
   |  Customer   |    /     +------------+
   |  Needs and  +---+----->| Solution 1 |
   |  Wants      |    \     +------------+
   +-------------+     \
                        \   +------------+
                         +->| Solution 3 |


and you should get this:
